Hey, You probably know Winnie the Pooh,right?
My grandma got me a book called My Adventures with Winnie The Pooh. She got a book that has My family and me in it. This is what the first page says:There was a place near to where Meredith Miller lived at 3903 trefoil drive in Columbia called the hunderd-acre Wood. She often played with Kimberly,Melissa,and Levi. One day,when they were playing, Meredith came across her two friends Pooh and Piglet. They were both fast asleep and since it looked as though it was going to rain Meredith gently woke them. "Wake up Piglet, wake up Pooh", she said. "If you stay out here you'll get wet." Piglet blinked his eyes and sat up. Pooh yawed and streched. " Hello Meredith! Have you come to play?"asked Pooh. "Yes, I'm here with Kimberly, Melissa, and Levi", answerd Meredith. "But, it looks as if it is goning to rain." "Would you like to come to my house?"asked Piglet. "Yes, but we better hury I don't want to get wet", said Meredith. Melissa and Kimberly are my sisters. Levi is my cousin. I used to live in Columbia. I like the second page too. Here is what it says:They set off. The wind was growing stronger and stronger. It blew so hard that Piglet,who was a very small animal,was blown right up into the air! Luckily Meredith caught him. I always feel special when I read this book. It is special to me because my grandparents got it for me. Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!

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