Hey, today I'm gonna blog on the book The Incredible Journey. Our group has to write a chapter 12. Hope you like it!
Chapter 12
So, the dogs and the cat stayed with Elizabeth and Peter. John Longridge did visit them a lot. Sometimes he stayed at their house for more than a month. He once stayed there at Elizabeth and Peter's house for 40 days straight. He helped on the farm and helped cook. He also spent lots and lots of time with The Bull Terrier and the Labrador Retriever and the Siamese cat. They went on long walks together. Elizabeth still loves the Siamese cat. Then when Elizabeth awoke the next day, The Siamese cat was gone. Then she went to tell Peter and the Bull Terrier and The Labrador Retriever were gone. TO BE CONTINUED!!!!!!
Thursday, May 5, 2011
Tuesday, May 3, 2011
The Last Day Of School!
Hey, Well, the last day of school is on May 27. I'm really excited for Summer because well there is no school. My teacher Mr. Orlano, is an awesome teacher and I'm gonna miss him. He is the first guy teacher I had except My gym teacher. I'm gonna miss all my friends too. I wish I could see them all summer. Well, thanks for reading my blog at millerccsd.blogspot.com! Bye!
My Easter weekend!
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about my Easter weekend. Well, my Easter weekend didn't go how I planned. I was sick. So, here is what happened. I didn't feel good when I was on the bus. I told my mom but she did nothing. She said I should just go to dance and see how I feel. So, I went to dance. I wasn't feeling the greatest but better. Then, it finally hit me. I went to the front desk at the dance studio. I called My mom and asked her to come pick me up. She did but I was still not feeling good. I ate half of a sandwich and felt better. Then when we got to our lake house I went to bed right away. Finally I threw up in my bed in the loft. So, I had to sleep in my parents room on the little bed. I threw up about 4-5 times in the night. I was sick Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, and Wendsday. I was sick for the last day of youth group on Wendsday. Well, Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Osama bin Laden!
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about Osama bin Laden. Osama bin Laden was killed May 1, 2011. He was hiding in plain site! He hid in a mansion in Pakistan. Osama was a very bad man. People say this could be the biggest story for the reat of our lives! He was involved in the Twin Towers attack. He was number one on the list for United States Most Wanted Dead Or Alive. He also killed lots and lots people. He also said some not so nice things about America. I think Osama bin Laden deserved to be killed because he did lots of bad things to the United States. He made other Musilms think America is a bad place. Other Muslims were not to happy about the death of Osama bin Laden but some were also happy. Well, thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Old Yeller!
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about the book Old Yeller! I already finished the book now I wanna talk about it. The book is about this guy named Travis. His dad is going on a cow drive and Travis has to look after his family. His family is Mama and little Arliss. Travis was going to do something at the barn and when he came back he found Little Arliss and Old Yeller in the drinking water. Travis was not Happy he was mad. No not mad FURIOUS! He said "ARLISS GET THAT DOG OUT OF THE DIRINKING WATER RIGHT NOW!!" Well, Arliss got out but he was screaming his head off. Old Yeller had a chewed off ear and a stub tail. The book has 16 chapters and 181 pages. It is a really good and sad book. Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Friday, April 1, 2011
April Fools day!
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about April Fools Day. I hate this Holiday because it is so annoying. Today at 4:30 P.M. 4-1-2011 at Haley Weber's house we already played a trick on her mom. We are so board right now I think I'm gonna die. I will die if we don't do anything right this second. Well.................................APRIL FOOLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ha ha!!!!! Thanks for reading my log! Bye!
Thursday, March 31, 2011
African Wild Dog!
Hey, Today I'm going to talk about African Wild Dogs. These dogs are endangered. African Wild Dogs were disturbed. They all lost their habitat. Some starves to death. African Wild Dogs eat zebras, antelope, wildebeest, and gazelles. They lve in the Savanna Grass Lands in Africa. Humans persecute African Wild Dogs! Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Friday, March 25, 2011
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about Gold. Gold is mostly found in mountains, underground, and sosmtimes in rocks. There was gold in California a long time ago, and still might be there still today. In California, there was something called the Gold Rush. The Gold Rush started in 1848. It was January. Gold Was like no other metal. I have a couple of questions for you!
1. was there gold in Iowa in 1848? (Ture or False)
2. Did the Gold Rush Start in 1848?(ture or false)
3. Was there another metal like Gold?(ture or false)
Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
1. was there gold in Iowa in 1848? (Ture or False)
2. Did the Gold Rush Start in 1848?(ture or false)
3. Was there another metal like Gold?(ture or false)
Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Don't Worry, Be happy!
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about being happy and not worrying. I think being happy is better than worrying. I have a whole list of what makes me HAPPY!
1. My friends(Kara Seidl, Carly Loew, Kirsten Daniel, Haley Weber and some others.)
2. My family.
3.My House
4. My computer
5. The TV
Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
1. My friends(Kara Seidl, Carly Loew, Kirsten Daniel, Haley Weber and some others.)
2. My family.
3.My House
4. My computer
5. The TV
Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Friday, March 18, 2011
Canadian Pacer
Hey, The horse arrived in 1665 when King Louis XIV of France sent to twelve horses to new France. They were used for farm work, transport, and riding. I think this horse is so so so so so so so so so so so so so cool. If you want to learn more about it then tell Meredith Miller if you live in Carroll. Maybe, someday you could ride one. I know I wanna ride one.Well, Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Thursday, March 17, 2011
Old Yeller
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about Old Yeller. It is a very very good book. It is about a dog. Named Old Yeller. The main people are Travis, Mama, Papa, little Arliss, and of course Old Yeller. The book is for Guided Reading. Travis' Papa was going on a cattle drive for a while. So, Travis has to take care of his family. Travis has really wanted a horse. But then he thinks again. He says maybe he wants a dog. So, he thinks about it for a while. So, the next day he was working, and all of a sudden he looks in the drinking water and there is little Arliss naked in the drinking water. Travis said"Arliss get out of the drinking water right now." The little Arliss ran out still naked running everywhere screaming on the top of his lungs. Travis was mad. No not mad furious. Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Wednesday, March 2, 2011
Hey, This is what we are learning in social studies. The fighting began with the Confederate attack on Fort Sumter on April 12,1861. The south states called them the Confederacy. The Confederates argued with the President and the Union because the Union did not want slavery, but the Confederates wanted slavery. They had a Civil War between the Union(Northern States) and the Confederacy(southern States). I think that it is not a good idea that the Confederacy had slavery. Do you think it is a good idea? Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Strange Spring time Event
I went outside my den. I am a blue bear named Susan. It was spring time! There is black grass and purple trees. The sky was pink and the clouds were green. The sun wasn't yellow, it was white, and the night was bright. The moon is brown, and the night sky was red. My mom is orange, and my dad is tan. Then I woke up and it was all a dream.
United Kingdom
Hey, Today I am going to talk about United Kingdom. The United Kingdom is in Europe. It is made up of four parts. They are England, Northern Ireland, Scotland, and Wales. The nickname for United Kingdom is U.K. Most people in the U.K. live in towns or cities. Many houses were built 100 years ago. There is a Fish and Chip shop in every town. Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!
Wednesday, February 16, 2011
Hey, today I'm going to talk about soccer. Soccer is fun! I'm going to tell you how to play soccer. First your coach sets you up in a spot. If you are goaly go in front of the goal. It is so fun I hope you play it someday!
Tuesday, February 8, 2011
2011 and 2012
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about 2011 and 2012. I picked this topic because I fell like telling you happy new year. Do you think the world is gonna end in 2012? I don't know, but I hope it doesn't. I'm exited for every new thing that is going to happen in 2011. I really hope the world doesn't end in 2012. Do you have a new years resolution? My new years resolution is to work on basketball. I love basketball. I play it every day. So, that's my new blog! Bye!
Friday, February 4, 2011
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about blogging. Blogging is so fun. Well, that's just my opinion,though. I thought maybe you would want to know some things about blogging. I love to blog. If you ever want me (Meredith Miller) to blog about anything I'm in Mr. Orlano's class. So if you want to I can even help you get a blog. Well, thanks for reading my blog! Bye1!
Thursday, February 3, 2011
Hey, Today I'm gonna blog about candy. I like all sorts of candy, like: M&ms, Cotton Candy, Snickers, Hershey's Chocolate, Butter Fingers, Skittles, Kit Kat, Dark Chocolate, Milky Way, Recess Pieces Butter Cup. I love candy. It makes me HIPPER!!!! I love pretzels dipped in chocolate. I like Strawberries dipped in chocolate. Well thanks for reading my blog! Bye!!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Alejandro - Lady Gaga Parody ( JalapeƱo )
Hey, today I'm gonna talk about computernerd01 jalapeno. It is so funny. I love it. I think it is the funnest video ever. It talks about how he wants to eat a jalapeno. One of the lines is:"I threw in the laundry. So I could wash my clothes. I tried to fit but I'm way to big." Thanks for reading and watching! Bye!
Hey, Today I'm gonna talk about computernerd01. His name Is Josh. He is really funny. I think he is the funnest person ever. In this video he talks about jalapenos. It is really funny. I hope you like it lots. My favorite part in this one is when he says this"I threw in the laundry. So I could wash my clothes. I tried to fit in but I'm way to big." Hope you like it! bye!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
My Family!!!!!!!

Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What I see...
I see water. A huge whale jumping out of the water. I see blue everywhere. I see that the whale is a big whale that made a HUGE splash. I see stripes of water. I think he is playing with his or her friends. I see white. I see everlasting water.
We are learning about whales in reading. This paragraph above is what I saw in the picture in my reading book. I have seen a real life whale before. I went to Hawii for a vacation. I also went to visit my grandparents for two weeks. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye
We are learning about whales in reading. This paragraph above is what I saw in the picture in my reading book. I have seen a real life whale before. I went to Hawii for a vacation. I also went to visit my grandparents for two weeks. Thanks for reading my blog. Bye
Monday, January 24, 2011
4 facts on Jupiter
1.It takes 12 Earth years to make one orbit around the sun.

2.Astronomers believe Jupiter is made mostly of the gases hydrogen and helium.
3.Jupiter has a thin ring around it and at least 16 natural satellites,or moons
4.Jupiter is known for it;s red spot

2.Astronomers believe Jupiter is made mostly of the gases hydrogen and helium.
3.Jupiter has a thin ring around it and at least 16 natural satellites,or moons
4.Jupiter is known for it;s red spot
Tuesday, January 18, 2011
My Aventures with Winnie the Pooh
Hey, You probably know Winnie the Pooh,right?
My grandma got me a book called My Adventures with Winnie The Pooh. She got a book that has My family and me in it. This is what the first page says:There was a place near to where Meredith Miller lived at 3903 trefoil drive in Columbia called the hunderd-acre Wood. She often played with Kimberly,Melissa,and Levi. One day,when they were playing, Meredith came across her two friends Pooh and Piglet. They were both fast asleep and since it looked as though it was going to rain Meredith gently woke them. "Wake up Piglet, wake up Pooh", she said. "If you stay out here you'll get wet." Piglet blinked his eyes and sat up. Pooh yawed and streched. " Hello Meredith! Have you come to play?"asked Pooh. "Yes, I'm here with Kimberly, Melissa, and Levi", answerd Meredith. "But, it looks as if it is goning to rain." "Would you like to come to my house?"asked Piglet. "Yes, but we better hury I don't want to get wet", said Meredith. Melissa and Kimberly are my sisters. Levi is my cousin. I used to live in Columbia. I like the second page too. Here is what it says:They set off. The wind was growing stronger and stronger. It blew so hard that Piglet,who was a very small animal,was blown right up into the air! Luckily Meredith caught him. I always feel special when I read this book. It is special to me because my grandparents got it for me. Thanks for reading my blog! Bye!

Hey, today I'm going to talk about braces. Wednesday Jan. 5 2011 I get my braces off!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm so exited!!! I can't wait for everyone to see my new teeth. I'm gonna be smiling all day long,but I have to get a retainer. IT STINKS A LOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Braces are these little metal squares that make your teeth straight. If you don't brush your teeth really good when you get braces, sometimes they leave white spot on your teeth. The bad thing is I have to get another set of braces. Well, after my retainer. Well, thanks for reading my blog bye!
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Wednesday, January 12, 2011
Friday, January 7, 2011
1. Thing I Learned this week
Hey, I learned that you should study your spelling words. If you do, your teacher will get really happy that your class and you got a good grade. Mr. Orlano was happy Because we all missed one or less on the spelling and grammar tests. Well,that is all I really all I learned this week. I wonder what we will do next week???????Bye
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
2011 New Year's Resolution
Hey, My New Year's Resolution is to walk my dog more. I walk her once a week, but sometimes I don't get the chance to. Maybe I will run with her. I want to get some exercise too. Mollie is the name of my dog. I really really really really want to walk her more. This was the shortest post on my blog!!!!! Thanks For Reading my blog. Bye
5 facts about the planet Venus
Hey, I just wanna give you these 5 facts about
Venus!!!!! Hope you like them!!!!!
1.Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky.
2.It is nearly the same size as Earth.
3.Sulfuric acid clouds cover Venus' surface.
4.Do you think plants and animals could live on Venus?Why do you think so?
5.No plants and animals couldn't live on Venus because of the sulfuric acid.
Venus!!!!! Hope you like them!!!!!
1.Venus is one of the brightest objects in the night sky.
2.It is nearly the same size as Earth.
3.Sulfuric acid clouds cover Venus' surface.
4.Do you think plants and animals could live on Venus?Why do you think so?
5.No plants and animals couldn't live on Venus because of the sulfuric acid.
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